Free Trade Web Design

Free Trade Web Design

Everybody gets a chance to shine.

Use original art from struggling artisans in your website and support creative people in developing countries.

At Northern California Creative, we have a vision of sharing wealth with people in developing countries by empowering them to tap into the abundance of the internet. Inspired by a trip to Zimbabwe where he witnessed immense creativity but limited access to technology, Will worked out a way for people to share visual art through their phones. These original pieces are converted into web-ready formats and worked into design elements that are available to our clients. When you choose to use a design from one of these artists, we send payment directly to the artist, making a powerful impact in their life.

Ways to get involved…

Use Free Trade Designs on your site

As you work with our designers, let them know that you are interested in finding free trade designs that will work with your brand.

The approach can be very bold or quite subtle, but either way, you will open up space on the world stage for a creative person who likely would never have that opportunity.

And the surcharge that we pass on to them will make a positive difference in their lives, as well as telegraphing recognition and praise for their work.

Connect us with creative people in far flung corners of the world

So far, our personal connections are with artisans in Zimbabwe. If we were to use images from some other culture, we would make a donation to a nonprofit doing good work there.

But we much prefer the direct, personal connection. Have you traveled to developing countries and enjoyed the creativity of people there? Weavers, sculptors, painters? Do you perhaps have a way to get in touch with them in this age of WhatsApp and Messenger?

Connect us with them and we will explore the possibilities.